And students who bring suits, according to various experts, fare even worse.
How would students fare if they were expected to meet the standards of a private college?
But others said the sooner the standards are imposed, the better students in the system will ultimately fare.
Special attention will be paid to how special-education and non-English students fare.
But students did not fare as well in reading.
While students did not fare as well in reading, officials attributed the results to a more difficult reading test this year.
He suggests a call to the admissions office to ask what help the college offers and how students with learning problems fare at that school.
Yet Newark's students fare poorly on every indicator of educational achievement used by the state.
His students, he says, fared poorly in a test of cultural literacy, but they knew about private jets and flat plasma television screens.
In the schools with unqualified teachers, second- and third-generation students fared little better than their parents.