With this course work, students will emerge from the core curriculum possessing a strong set of skills in reading, writing, oral communication, and mathematics.
Gathering up his personal effects, the young student quietly emerged from the instructional concavity.
A short while later, the white student emerged from Ferris Booth Hall.
Most students emerge with a knowledge and appreciation of numerous art forms.
In the true spirit of interdisciplinary approach, the students would, therefore, emerge as professionals with a humane outlook towards life.
As a result, during the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, all 2,323 students emerged unharmed.
Too many students coast through high school in general studies and emerge without marketable skills or intellectual acuity, he asserted.
After school, teachers and students emerged from the building to recount conversations about the arrest that they said had been swirling all day inside.
In my experience students do emerge with a better level of achievement.
Employers fear that too many students emerge from college lacking proper writing, calculating and other skills.