In the fifth grade, students will dissect a calf's lung and inflate the air sacs with straws.
Although it wasn't the remains of the former television star behind the closed door, students were indeed dissecting a dead dolphin.
Five thousand people stormed the hospital, inflamed by the notion that medical students were dissecting the cadavers of "respectable people."
The buildings at risk include an autopsy amphitheater, where medical students watched surgeons dissect the bodies of people who had died of diseases rarely seen in America.
The students dissected donkeys rather than horses and even Coleman used donkey material to demonstrate horse muscles.
For much of the class, though, there was little discord as the 37 students dissected how and why American blacks were disadvantaged and how they fared in the criminal justice system.
In Mrs. Collins's class, students dissect story structure by diagramming books like "The Rooster Who Learned Japanese."
This year will also see a change in the gross anatomy course, where students dissect cadavers.
Systems are being designed so that young medical students can "dissect" electronic images, rather than using real cadavers for their initial lessons.
Takaki's school was the first private medical college in Japan, and was the first in Japan to have students dissect human cadavers.