The best students do not cram for exams.
For the one-act, 60-minute version at Hillside, 76 students aged 9 and 10 crammed the stage for a few big numbers.
At Public School 91 in Glendale, an estimated 950 students crammed into a campus intended to hold 650.
After that, the students then crammed into an old Baptist Tabernacle for classes.
Seventy to 200 students crammed into a classroom, they said, with three or four students assigned to a desk and others left standing.
With nearly 5,000 students crammed into space designed for no more than 2,800, the Medgar Evers campus is bursting at the seams.
Other couples rest on benches watching other couples stroll, as clusters of laughing students, laden with shopping bags, cram themselves into phone booths.
The students themselves were eager to tell how previous cutbacks have resulted in too many students crammed into classes and not enough new books in the college library.
When Noble resumed duty in 1946, the enrollment had increased to such an extent that around 600 students crammed into the building originally designed for 350.
The day before their final exam, the students at this town's only university were cramming for the grueling, eight-hour test.