Twenty-six private training institutions are currently under investigation for a range of suspected problems including poor academic performance, student complaints and mismanagement of fees.
A new body for dealing with student complaints which universities will be legally bound to deal with.
It is currently under recommendation for closing, despite numerous parent and student complaints.
That examination has been the subject of controversy in recent months, prompting student complaints and a walkout from one of the testing sites.
But with student complaints up 30%, they're going to have to make darn sure they can deliver.
Seeming legislative powerlessness in the face of repeated student complaints over tuition may have been a motive.
Traditionally the courts have been exempted from any jurisdiction over student complaints.
The program has since been discontinued, and an investigation has been started into the student complaints.
"I'm clear that student complaints are on the rise."
Certain procedures must be followed when dealing with student complaints against their teachers.