I seem to remember quite a lot of student choice in the way my university experience was managed.
But not all student choices can be offered.
With an emphasis on student choice, focal words are generated by the students during the first stage.
Under the Minnesota plan, desegregation efforts continue and student choice extends only to the public schools.
"Left to my own devices, I will almost make student choices - a 'white cabinets and butcher block' kind of thing."
It could limit student choice among schools to those within a public system, and focus help on the disadvantaged.
Booktalking affected student choice, but only for a very short time.
The humanistic approach focuses a great deal on student choice and control over the course of their education.
But we also support student choice, which this prescriptive and narrow English bac will take away.
"In higher education you can't influence student choice in very easy ways," she said.