Outside, students (who did not know of the death) chanted, "Godot has arrived."
If Arizona is beating an opponent by a comfortable margin late in the game, the band and students will chant "Go start the bus!"
The students followed her example and chanted: "I am strong!
Two weeks ago, the students chanted, "Forget the Holocaust - do something for us."
She eschews the Sanskrit names for yoga positions and does not ask students to chant.
The students chanted anti-Reagan slogans, often throwing their fists into the air.
At the end of the game or event, following Blue and Gold, the students chant one of two things.
The students were even chanting the name of their future Senator: Jeff Higgins.
Seated in a circle, the students chanted their myth and illustrated the story with arm movements.
Four students, arm in arm, chanted and sang songs in French as they marched.