Komnenos was one of the many high school students barricaded inside the Polytechnic.
After Cho's first visit to room 207, several students had barricaded the door and had begun tending the wounded.
On April 28, 1969, students barricaded the campus buildings, demanding educational and organizational changes.
The students barricaded themselves, but the building was assaulted.
The students barricaded themselves inside the Hillel offices, where protesters reportedly banged on the windows and attempted to force their way in.
Three hundred students barricaded a dean in his office.
He said students barricaded the entrance to the building since Wednesday to prevent Chinese officials from entering.
On December 17, over 100 students barricaded themselves in at a dining hall on the campus while hundreds more waited on the streets outside.
In protest, students barricaded the Lokoja/Abuja highway, set fires and vandalized vehicles.
Later, when the meeting ended and faculty members tried to leave, the students barricaded all exits.