After 27 years as a teacher, he knew how to keep the attention of a student audience.
The student audience were impressed by his performance, though not necessarily with his argument.
Both performances were well received by the student audience.
With a potential student audience of 175,000, the program has become mandatory for many in the health-sciences areas of member schools.
He seems to think that for student audiences he is already, in his early 30's, an elder statesman.
The eyes, although painted, seemed to bore directly into the student audience menacingly.
They are also urging Soviet officials to permit questions from the student audience.
He told me it would be a "conversation" with the student audience.
At one point, they claimed a student audience of 700,000.
It is also risky for the companies, which in some cases are opening their research and development secrets to an unpredictable student audience.