The first time she walked into a classroom here, the students applauded.
The students, in their answers to the poll, applauded an education that teaches them to be researchers and to stay away from policy.
When the Archbishop's statement was read at a special assembly held in the church, students applauded, screamed and jumped out of their seats.
The students applaud those who stood and said they would help their neighbors.
My fellow students and I applauded in wonder.
The students cheered and applauded when the books arrived.
The students applauded the university's move, saying their hunger strike brought about the change.
"Above them she announced the title of her song, 'Child 113,' and the students, knowing what this signified, applauded."
The students applauded her enthusiastically and began asking questions.
He walked to class one day, and four students sitting in a Jeep applauded him.