The service is targeted at students aged between 10 and 16.
It is a college which offers many courses for students aged between 16 and 19 years.
Today, Barunga has a dynamic school with students aged from 6 months to 19 years.
Pentecostal School is divided into seven forms, with students aged from 13 to 18.
It further expanded its intake with students aged between 6 and 12 in 2005.
The program is for students aged between 12 and 17 years old.
It is now a modern college institute for students aged between 16 and 18.
The school is expected to cater for around 900 students aged from 11 to 16 and to cost £26.5 million to build.
The school is for students aged from 2 to 20 and 20+.
The typical course length is four years, for students aged between 16 and 20.