College Council is the forum through which students address concerns and make changes around campus.
As such, Souhegan is known for not having bells, students addressing staff members by their first names, and no hall passes.
Seminar met twice a week for four years: eight o'clock to ten at night or later, all students addressed by surname.
Each student addressed his or her card and scribbled a message on it.
Help guide your students to officials at the appropriate level of government to address the particular concerns they have.
But perhaps more important, the program's teachers and counselors help students address the problems in their lives, like absent parents or drug abuse.
There were about two or three hundred people there and a student was addressing them.
Buckley, the all-boys school where students address male teachers as "sir," is one of the city's most traditional.
This grounding will enable students to address fundamental issues such as:
The students commonly address their respective teachers by their first names.