The white stucco Spanish-style villa, manicured grounds and well-maintained tennis court are right on the water.
The assault damaged the stucco villa, leaving huge holes in the ceiling and destroying the veranda where the general had held his news conferences.
It was at this point that the block was at its most picturesque, with the bright stucco villas contrasting with the older brownstones.
I'm going to make Dominic put up little Alhambras, nice little stucco villas with red tile roofs.
We wandered back to his house, a two-story stucco villa which had replaced the tent in which he was raised.
They gather outside the heavily protected white stucco villa every day now, the politicians waiting to bow before and speak to "Soniaji."
The two-story stucco villa on the Via Spagnola that Trevor had rented was spacious and charming.
We stumbled across the lawn to a white stucco villa a short distance away, and were led into a sprawling suite.
In a corner of the 34-acre hospital grounds is a dilapidated white stucco villa that bears witness to the turbulent history of this state.
The house is described as "...a large stucco villa in the Georgian manner with columned porch".