He stooped over the cradle and touched the sleeping baby's head with a stubby thumb.
Cameron sighed deeply and sat a moment massaging his eyes with a stubby thumb and forefinger.
Buntokapi rubbed his jaw with a stubby thumb as he considered everything laid out before him.
He experienced some difficulty in reversing the shotgun barrels so that the cold steel penetrated his open mouth whilst enabling his short arms to bring his stubby thumb to bear upon the lower of the two triggers.
One of Frank's stubby thumbs shredded the label on his beer until it hung in ribbons down the side of the bottle.
The halfling stuffed his stubby thumbs under the edges of his heavy woolen vest, assuming a proud posture.
He jerked a stubby thumb at the door.
The community, which juts like a stubby thumb from the southwest tip of the island, is bounded on three sides by water.
She flicked her thick stubby thumb towards the angry Broadbridge.
"Over here, sir," he said, jerking a stubby thumb over his shoulder.