They fought stubbornly at first, but then began to retreat.
Technical analysis can help keep a value investor from stubbornly fighting the market for years on end.
Yet still he fought stubbornly to cut her free.
Strongbow doesn't say much, though he'll stubbornly fight for his beliefs and what he thinks best.
When a man finds himself in adversity he ought to give way and not fight stubbornly against fate.
Although the foe was superior in numbers, we fought stubbornly to hold the ground gained.
Now I wondered why I'd so stubbornly fought my hormones.
Despite the overwhelming odds, Blücher fought stubbornly to the end.
I fought stubbornly against this conclusion, but was unable to formulate another that met the facts.
So tempting, that he fought against the impulse stubbornly, determined to see his patrol properly done.