Ignoring the cow, he took a stubborn stance so that his dark beard was close to that of the black bull.
But the couple stay determined to unite despite the stubborn stance of both their fathers.
In the few minutes of battle in the hall, the rain of death from above and the stubborn defensive stance of the dwarves, more than three hundred orcs had died.
President Reagan's stubborn stance makes it all the more vital for Congress to try writing incentives and penalties into law that can promote democracy and punish recidivism.
But now Hootie Johnson is being hooted, deservedly, for his stubborn stance on female members.
Potter initially resisted the idea of colour illustrations but then realized her stubborn stance was a mistake.
This stubborn stance on reproductive health will condemn millions of children worldwide to a premature death.
But I don't think the stubborn stance of ArsTechnica wants to believe this...
He looked at her stubborn, bad-tempered stance, and at the great wolf standing between them, staring yellow-eyed from one to the other.
One EC official said the French government, now isolated in the rest of Europe because of its stubborn stance, finds itself 'between the devil and the deep blue sea'.