Even though you are an unusually strong and stubborn personality, you would find it very difficult to control the other occupant of your mind.
She's not sturdy the way Nadia was and she doesn't have that stubborn personality.
Because she and Fred have pretty stubborn personalities, they usually butt heads at some point when the other is around or attempting to take charge.
She has a stubborn and strong-minded personality, but is also caring and kind.
The band was loaded with strong and stubborn personalities that somehow managed to record well as a team.
A rookie webtoon artist, he is attractive despite his difficult and stubborn personality.
Unfortunately, that new medal gives Metabee a stubborn and aggressive personality.
Given Ordonez's somewhat stubborn personality, the odds coming into camp were significantly better that he would not change.
Lyndall is used to a life of hardship - made all the more difficult by her stubborn and rebellious personality.
Note that Joe seems to be developing the same hard, stubborn personality as that of the adoptive father he is defying.