You have been a stubborn, resourceful, and lucky opponent, if foolish now.
The Bingtown Council has been a more stubborn opponent than the Satrap's officials.
Bayakoa, though, is a faster and more stubborn opponent than Go for Wand has ever faced.
Mr. Lawrence's academic critics were pleased to see his administration come under review, but even his most stubborn opponent accepted the explanation about his words.
In Penny she had a stubborn opponent, however, who wouldn't knuckle under to keep the peace.
He was a stubborn, vicious opponent, but McNeely thrived on danger and met any threat head-on.
The garrison commander Louis of Hesse-Philippsthal proved to be a stubborn opponent.
He didn't often have disagreements with Dan, but when he did, the man could be a frustrating, stubborn opponent, especially when what he said had the sting of truth.
However, Braco was a stubborn opponent, and dragged out the proceedings, which were not resolved until just before Adam's death.
No one was a more stubborn or obstreperous opponent of the Northern Ireland peace agreement than the Rev. Ian Paisley.