"Flannel Pajamas" nevertheless maintains a stubborn integrity, and its comfortably lived-in lead performances feel authentic.
Besides, his own stubborn integrity wouldn't let him fire someone who did her job so well simply because she happened to hate him.
She knew he was her friend, that his actions before and during the breakout from Tepes had been motivated by stubborn integrity, mutual respect, and fundamental decency.
Despite her mother, there was too much Sphinxian in her . . . and too much stubborn integrity.
But the cutting words of reprimand died in his throat when he saw the look in Snudge's eyes-the same stubborn integrity possessed by Stergos.
The image thinned and vanished and they were just two old men, both powerful, both filled with stubborn integrity, each doing the best for bis own side.
She was moved by the First's frank avowal, her stubborn integrity.
His novel, "like its protagonist, has a stubborn integrity that you can't help admiring."
Ms. Nicholson imbues Emily with a stubborn integrity.
Through it all, Sinatra maintained a certain stubborn integrity.