No longer was it a stubborn, loggy fight against pressures.
He con-tinued his stubborn fight as the rope tightened even more.
We got him away from his companions on the road to Lincoln, though he still put up a damned stubborn fight.
Deciding not to run again, he retired to Independence; at age 88, he died December 26, 1972, after a stubborn fight for life.
After a stubborn fight, the American troops retreated.
These formed in squadron at the riverside and became involved in a stubborn fight that lasted for three hours.
It was his own stubborn, full-fledged fight to limit the memories that caused it.
After a stubborn fight, the French captured all of de Courten's artillery.
They can certainly put up a long and stubborn fight.
Tripoli put up a stubborn fight, and the engagement lasted for three hours before the polacca was finally captured by the Americans.