With his death last week, the same friends and relatives who saw him off struggled with their memories.
Meanwhile, the woman from the pendant struggles with her cultic convictions and her own memories, which may be intertwined with Kaiba's origins.
Struggling with his own memories as much as he had with the Kurians, David Valentine went to bed.
His lips twisted as he struggled with his memories.
Mrs. Carson asked, struggling with her own memories.
Cal and Katherine end up in the park alone, still struggling with each other and their memories of Andre.
"I've lost 27 pounds," Mr. Comes says, describing months of struggling with his traumatic memories.
Bo & Hope's daughter Ciara Brady is kidnapped in the summer of 2009, and Hope struggles with her memories of losing their son Zach.
The words seemed to stick in her throat; he could see doubt and repugnance struggling with her memories of William's undeniable face-and her knowledge of her father's character.
Thomas Covenant, who must struggle with his memories, takes the Krill from its place in Andelain.