Both men struggled through the next two years.
Rents have soared, and some of the small businesses that struggled through the lean years have been squeezed out.
The Eastern European movie business has struggled through the early post-Communist years.
The show featured Scoey Mitchell and Tracy Reed as a "young middle-class couple living in a New York City apartment and struggling through the first years of marriage."
How often Rhodan had been here alone with his problems, big and small, struggling through the years for decisions!
The Memphis franchise had struggled through the years and in its last season there it had relied on the league itself to handle some of its bills.
The Black Loyalists especially struggled through the early years of the colony; there were delays in their land grants and supplies, and it turned out that the soil was too poor to support much farming.
While she later became friends with Mr. Seybert, his gibe often returned to her in portentous echoes as she struggled through the first two years of business to attract customers from the bustle across the street.
How those who struggled through the post-war years must be laughing as the modern Miss gets to grips with the concept of not buying a new Gucci handbag every season.
In the 1960's, he was known as Captain Trips, referring to his frequent use of LSD, and he struggled through the years with heroin addiction.