The village stagnated as peasants took part in "struggle sessions" and inefficient mass labor projects that led to crop neglect.
Those struggle sessions subsided after 1976 but left many people with an enduring fear of political campaigns and mob rule.
On June 18, Peking University students held the first struggle session denouncing their teachers.
Wang's "trial," which took the form of a series of struggle sessions, ended in June 1942 with Wang being found guilty and put under arrest.
At a public struggle session, Yuyin is declared to be a "new rich peasant."
Restrictions on rural people were enforced through public struggle sessions, and social pressure, although people also experienced forced labor.
According to his nephew, during a "struggle session" in 1956 at Shanghai's dog racing stadium, the bishop was pushed to the microphone to confess.
He was the object of "struggle sessions," criticized by 30 co-workers crammed into a room.
Deng Xiaoping prohibited struggle sessions and other kinds of Mao-era violent political campaigns.
He recalled arguing with Li Lisan, who wanted an extra pill each night as the struggle sessions were affecting his sleep.