A fierce struggle ensued in the woods as the German forces started their descent into Rhenen.
A terrible struggle ensued before the French vessel struck.
When she drew her off-duty service revolver a struggle ensued in which two shots were fired, one of which struck her left hand.
"A violent struggle ensued with unintended tragic results."
The ship was intercepted by the Royal Navy and a struggle ensued in which two passengers and a crew member died.
After being disarmed of the hammer, "the man produced a bowie knife, and another fierce struggle ensued in which both officers were further injured," it said.
Mr. Fernandez said the struggle ensued after the man stabbed one of the officers in the neck, resulting in minor injury.
The two colts pulled clear of their opponents and a "tremendous struggle" ensued as they raced "locked together" throughout the closing stages.
A five-minute struggle ensued before the man was restrained with plastic handcuffs.
Other officers arrived on the scene and a struggle ensued with Mr. Santana, the police said.