A number of related compounds are known, with similar effects in vitro and a fairly well characterized structure-activity relationship.
Various modifications can be made to the 1,5-diarylpyrazole moiety to deduce the structure-activity relationship of celecoxib.
Are the proposed assays adequate for the iterative study of structure-activity relationships?
The ultimate goal is to determine the structure-activity relationship of the substrate-catalyst species of the same reaction.
In a more sophisticated version, chemists select a narrow range of chemicals it is thought may have some effect using a technique called structure-activity relationship.
The structure-activity relationship of oxymorphone and its derivatives has been well-examined.
Detailed understanding of their structure-activity relationship is expected to aid in drug discovery.
The subjective effects and structure-activity relationship suggest that it is also a releasing agent.
A structure-activity relationship was determined from the best hits made from the pharmacophore model, described above.
It also includes the study of existing drugs, their biological properties, and their quantitative structure-activity relationships.