The game is played on the Play Area, on which completed and under-construction structures are displayed.
Lyon's historic structures, representing every century for the more than 2000 years of its lifetime, were refurbished and displayed like jewels in appropriate natural settings.
Such structures are best displayed graphically (even parliamentary draughtsmen have resorted to flowcharts for the definition of some more complex legislation).
The global structure of choices is clearly displayed.
As part of the Jewish National Fund park, whenever possible structures will be conserved and displayed to the public.
The structure of ISPL is displayed in Figure 1.
The structure of cerberin is displayed in figure 1.
The model's structure is described and displayed with the help of directional connectors.
The local structures are displayed to the general public for up to a week in various exhibits.
This year's structures will be displayed at the museum through Nov. 11.