Along with making major contributions to big bang nucleosynthesis, dark matter and dark energy, he has contributed to the theory of structure formation.
He has made significant contributions to the dynamics of large-scale structure formation.
"transforming our current paradigm of structure formation from appealing scenario into precise science."
Gravitational collapse is at the heart of structure formation in the universe.
It is now calculated that their contribution to the structure formation in the universe is less than 10%.
Saskia finds it, and at the summit notices structure formations similar to the diagram.
This bottom up model of structure formation requires something like cold dark matter to succeed.
There are, however, several points of tension between observation and simulations of structure formation driven by dark matter.
Towards a new paradigm for structure formation", A&A 523, 32 (2010).
It is reported that in addition to the protein sequence, secondary structure formation depends on other factors.