But in the past year, that delicate structure has crumbled.
If they were to break through the outer wall," Worf began, "the structure would crumble, perhaps on top of them.
They are " in this together" and our democratic structures have crumbled under the strain of their collective interests.
This could be argued until both structures crumbled to dust, mostly because there is no real case for comparison.
"If the structure has crumbled, it may be somewhat shaky," he cautioned.
Many experts warned that the Morpurgo's structure was crumbling and could no longer protect the altar.
Journalists inform us that soldiers have given up and that the structure of power has crumbled without a serious fight.
As he watched, the structure slowly crumbled beneath her.
Isaac hid it in an alcove created where the structure of the railway bridge had crumbled.
Its brittle structure broke and crumbled in her hands.