Ostensibly, the structure responds to the strong structural underpinnings of the Bach music heard on tape.
It is shorthand for the structural underpinnings of the public realm.
This tacit structural underpinning of male dominance is particularly dangerous for it creates the space for certain instances of female oppression to be viewed and experienced as the woman's choice.
Rather, the structural underpinning of Mr. Murail's sound world, in which the boundaries separating timbre from harmony have dissolved, resonates with more common aural memory: the sound of water.
In his attempt to establish that there is a form of discourse associated with politics which is relatively separate from economic change, Hall is seen as neglecting the 'structural underpinnings of Thatcherism'.
But the structural underpinnings were ruptured by the infusion of the new strike leaders who emerged from the labor unrest this summer.
"It's come down to a choice between two populists without strategies for addressing the structural underpinnings of poverty," said Juan Romero, a political scientist at the University of Zulia.
Because the dyes must be applied sequentially, starting with light colors and ending with dark, each drawing is usually built backward, from highlighting details to structural underpinnings.
Ideally a performance must convey the concerto's Germanic structural underpinnings along with its rhapsodic sweep, and the balance here was shaky.
Heady, abstract jazz with smart structural underpinnings.