It enables the visualization of biological process and structural studies by tagging fluorescent labels.
Recent structural studies have led to the discovery of a compound that no longer relies on this residue and, therefore, has efficacy against drug-resistant bacteria.
Genomics refers to the field of genetics concerned with structural and functional studies of the genome.
An engineering and structural study "turned up nothing", according to the mall manager.
The binding specificity of Type I interaction was well studied by structural and mutagenesis studies.
This summer the city's Department of Transportation will begin a structural study of the bridge.
Maltosides have been used extensively to stabilize membrane proteins for biophysical and structural studies.
Three examples that have contributed significantly to structural and mechanistic studies are listed here, but many different families exist.
The structural studies also reveal that differences in glycosylation alter the position of KR3.
They have also been used in structural studies in crystallography.