All bear a structural resemblance to each other.
The α subunits have an overall structural resemblance to those of the sodium channels and are equally large.
Although the 2,250-member Congress bears a structural resemblance to Western parliaments, the concept of loyal opposition is still regarded here with deep suspicion.
Recent 3-dimensional analyses suggest that ε-CA bears some structural resemblance to β-CA, particularly near the metal ion site.
Its structural resemblance to nicotine enables the substance to bind to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
Buckyballs are part of a group of materials called fullerenes for their structural resemblance to the geodesic domes designed by Buckminster Fuller.
The reason for the great structural resemblances between the two lies in their common history.
Liked the play a lot, even though its structural resemblance to Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf?
Because of its structural resemblance to p53, it has also been considered a tumor suppressor.
However, it is considered an amalgamation of Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi because of its strong grammatical and structural resemblance to both.