Sykora strongly stated that he would not have a long contract struggle and that he expected to be signed before training camp.
Asked if he was scared of the ox, William Fisher, an 11-year-old from the Bronx, offered a strongly stated "Nope!"
The Shia belief strongly states that Husayn's sacrifice was not a defeat but a victory.
In a brief interview after the conference, he strongly stated that he would continue to conduct the concerts of the Met Orchestra and Chamber Ensemble.
She acknowledges the discrepancy between her cheerful normalcy and her strange dark fiction, stating strongly that life and art are separate.
However, Mr. Pohl strongly stated that the central bank "will continue to do everything to stem the decline of the Deutsche mark against the dollar."
We would strongly state that requests for non-index linked policies should be declined.
Burnley Council was livid, and stated strongly it would never sell its share.
The two party-list representatives strongly state that poverty is not due to over-population but because of inequality and corruption.
These results strongly stated the case for independent OT&E in the Air Force.