The history of the district has always been strongly shaped by the construction of bridges.
The landscape of the topic is strongly shaped by China's average income level, rampant software piracy, and governmental measures to control game content and playing times.
However, embryos do undergo a period where their morphology is strongly shaped by their phylogenetic position, rather than selective pressures.
A man is strongly shaped by such an inheritance.
In regards to child development, the formation of the authoritarian type occurs within the first few years of the person's life, strongly shaped by the parents and family structure.
Even though it is a very old industry, meat production continues to be shaped strongly by the evolving demands of customers.
Cooking in Rajasthan, an arid region, has been strongly shaped by the availability of ingredients.
Strongly shaped by the evangelical convictions of her father, she was as paternalistic, if in her own way, as George Pullman.
Public perceptions of the risk of crime are no doubt also strongly shaped by mass media coverage.
A streetcar suburb is a residential community whose growth and development was strongly shaped by the use of streetcar lines as a primary means of transportation.