Munich has a continental climate, strongly modified by the proximity of the Alps.
Cold fronts are strongly modified by the warm water as they move in from the north in winter.
About half of the estimated 13,000 described species of copepods are parasitic and have strongly modified bodies.
Solanum evolvuloides is known from only two localities, where the landscape has been strongly modified in the last decades due to the expansion of urban centers and extensive farming.
The tankette was strongly modified, including the suppression of original driver's machine gun, this variant was heavier and larger, than the AH-IV.
Brazilian demographics were strongly modified, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, by European immigration.
The curate house of the Roth von Bußmannshausen noble family in the Stadtschreibereigasse: baroque building from approximately 1750, today strongly modified.
The dynamics of the 'Changma' rains in the early summer, which derive from baroclinic disturbances that are strongly modified by latent heat release, remain poorly understood.
Of course, the ionization energy and electron affinity of the dopant atom are strongly modified relative to their vacuum values.
Originally built with gothic influences, it was strongly modified by Patriarch Justinian (especially the towers).