Scalia strongly dissented, as one might have expected given the fact that the Constitution's protections are generally intended for only American citizens.
He strongly dissented from the recommendations that the group came to, and he then worked with various groups to oppose the policies.
Three judges strongly dissented with that decision, finding that the panel's interpretation of the Act raised serious First Amendment issues.
At this stage Baldwin alone dissented strongly.
While the majority of the population participated in the established church, the Covenanters dissented strongly, instead holding illegal worship services in the countryside.
Justice Holmes dissented strongly from the logic and ruling of the majority.
Though concurring in the decision, Justice O'Connor dissented strongly from the rationale, arguing that a compelling state interest test should have been applied.
Lord Salisbury strongly dissented from the decision and resigned from the cabinet in March 1957.
A majority called for less daily coverage, with the editors of The Philadelphia Inquirer strongly dissenting.
Anderson stated that the defendants had not been accorded a fair trial and strongly dissented to the decision to affirm their sentences.