He said in strongly accented English this time, "Si, that was well done.
He preferred to preach in Dutch, but was able to preach in strongly accented English.
I realized he did not understand my father's strongly accented English.
So say you, but there are others who speak a more strongly accented English.
Edoardo Muller conducted a bustling and strongly accented performance, shifting easily into the broad lyric episodes.
Milonga, in 2/4 time, has a strongly accented beat, and sometimes an underlying "habanera" rhythm.
"Energize," one ordered in a deep, strongly accented voice.
Literally hammered, a strongly accented effect produced by releasing each bowstroke forcefully and suddenly.
"Indeed, it is remarkable work," said a strongly accented voice at his elbow.
A strongly accented voice came over the ship-to-ship, audio only.