It uses the strong-mayor form of the mayor-council system.
New York has a strong-mayor form of government, but it's not good to have only one voice in City Hall.
In Yonkers, voters also approved a proposal for a strong-mayor form of government and for extending the mayor's term from two to four years.
Connell has a strong-mayor form of city government with the Administrator reporting to the mayor.
Voters elected to convert the city to a strong-mayor form of government, making the mayor's position a full-time position with veto power.
Mr. Zaleski, a Democrat, becomes chief executive here under a new strong-mayor form of government.
The Speaker argues that the Council is only a weak partner in the city's strong-mayor form of government.
New York has a strong-mayor form of government and a particularly dominant personality in Mayor Koch.
Boston uses a strong-mayor form of government in which the city council acts as a check against the power of the executive branch, the mayor.
Mayoral candidates were asked what changes they would make, if elected, under the new strong-mayor form of government.