He was a natural leader, ready to put himself forward, and gifted with a strong vein of caution for all his seeming recklessness.
After the end of World War I he wrote in a strong anti-war vein.
Other readers see a strong vein of optimism in Tolkien's works.
As such, they represent a strong vein of soul that has struggled in the recent ravealonga Manchester years.
But since it had a strong vein of dark humor in it, he said it was probably a little before its time.
The radius is generally the strongest vein of the wing.
There is a strong vein of humor and the plot is fast-moving.
There was, nonetheless, a strong vein of common sense and irony running beneath the mandarin surface.
The tendons in his neck stood out, and a strong blue vein ticked at his temple.
"The arrogance and the cavalier attitude of the French Government really touches a strong vein in us."