But the Nile also has strong tribes living up and down its shores.
Some are the massacred, prevented by stronger tribes (or stronger nations) from entering deep sanctuary.
The tribe - 6,000 strong - wanted to "return" to the Holy Land.
Simeon was one of the strongest tribes during the wandering in the desert.
Historical records indicate that Leutwein intended to set an example for much stronger tribes not to stand in his way.
As a small but strong tribe, we strive to keep our language, culture and economic health active and viable.
This also allows them to build a more loyal customer base, what some are calling a "strong tribe" - internally and externally.
From the morrow, all must live in peace, to make a strong tribe, or there were not enough souls to survive.
Ghamd is a strong tribe where its people are known for their hard work and love of education and business.
In the southern part of Nigeria was a strong, wild tribe called the Aros.