The Raver went upward with strong strides, almost jaunty in its antici- pation.
For now, even as several ag-biotech companies are making strong strides toward marketing new products, relatively few institutional investors have returned to the field.
"He's got a big, strong stride," Mulhall said.
The school has made strong strides in Track and Golf.
He could shoot from way out and had a strong, purposeful stride.
He mounted the crater wall with strong easy strides, passing close by Gersen.
And so it was with strides much stronger that the pair continued on their way down the southern slopes of the Barbacan.
The scouting report on Wilson: "strong stride, hard to knock off balance, checks with authority, good strength, shows real spirt."
Hasan urged his steed, and it began to run with a strong, easy stride.
The deck thrummed, and he knew someone was running this way, someone with substantial mass and a strong, long stride.