I'm given antibiotics and a couple of strong sedatives and am told that I should sleep.
The room started to fade, as Grant's mind succumbed to the strong sedative the doctor had administered to him.
It's a strong sedative and also a pain killer.
No matter that Elly's venom had been replaced with a strong sedative.
Cooked with food, it acted as a strong sedative and within an hour both slipped away gently into a deep sleep.
A medic had given Jake a strong sedative following his collapse.
His heart rate and blood pressure were sky high and getting worse, so we finally decided our only choice was a strong sedative.
The friar had visited the sick man late on the third night, and administered to him a strong sedative.
"I'll give you a stronger sedative; that should help you sleep better."
Leonard gets addicted to strong sedatives to ease the pain of his losses.