Textured paint can further a sense of physicality, and a strong reliance on all sorts of physical sensations is a common thread among the works.
In general, radiation therapy (or radiotherapy) has developed with a strong reliance on homogeneity of dose throughout the tumor.
There is, therefore, a strong reliance upon economic growth to yield higher tax revenues and a lower social security budget.
Due to the area's strong agricultural reliance much of the area's people have traditionally been peasants or sheep herders.
Many analysts say that Porsche's main problem has been its strong reliance on the United States market.
They fail to account for manufacturability of the recognized features due to their strong reliance on topological patterns rather than geometry.
A strong reliance on "the data" - that is - a "show me your numbers".
Animal bones indicate a strong reliance on beef rather than on the more traditional pork.
In all such circumstances, there is a strong reliance on the element of humiliation, whether actual or potential, should the husband's secret be discovered.
Not all agree with the company's strong reliance on appealing decisions.