Overall, these advancements will help towards making fluoride and future drugs strong protectors against oral health disease.
"Where's your strong protector now, humans?"
A strong protector and someone to take care of unpleasant details.
Most appeared unhappy that he had suddenly dispensed with Marshal Fahim, whom they still see as the strongest protector of their interests.
And as you say, I have had a strong protector, who is still here.
And Gary Galbraith's Helmsman was a strong protector and guide.
Because full contact is not allowed, the students have no need to use strong protectors (things that protect).
Grimaldi is considered today to have been a strong protector of the interests of France, and to have dealt well the running of the archdiocese.
A few women found a single strong protector, and until he died or was murdered they enjoyed a halfway decent life.
Kryn will need a strong protector, and the Duchess is as strong as they come.