In the 1970s and 1980s, the strongest prohibition was against showing pubic hair or adult genitalia.
Moran is in favor of stronger prohibitions against animal fighting.
The destructive potential of romantic jealousy may underlie the strong prohibitions against actions that can provoke it.
The Vietnamese had a strong prohibition against mass graves, and the holes must have taken hours to dig with the two shovels.
Many societies have strong prohibitions against turning gifts into trade or capital goods.
"I think it's not considered disgraceful; there are no strong religious prohibitions, and historically some types of suicide were considered honorable."
Orthodox Judaism also maintains a strong prohibition on interfaith sexual relations and marriage.
Typically there was also a strong prohibition against men eating women's food and vice versa (pp71,83,91).
One oddity is that a few states with strong prohibitions against concealed weapons never got around, technically, to banning the open carrying of them.
There is a strong prohibition against being unfit for one's duties, but none against drinking.