A very strong peso could put exporters at a disadvantage as the Government opens up the economy.
Added complications came from a strong peso, increased overseas competition and a rethinking of marketing strategies by both companies.
Through the 1960's, Mexicans had a stable economy and a strong peso, though millions remained dirt poor.
With the strong Chilean peso and a booming Argentine economy, tourism is thriving, which means plenty of inexperienced drivers on the road.
A strong peso also favored Mexican purchasers because it made goods imported from the United States more affordable.
They were originally called pesos fuertes (PF), or "strong pesos".
A stronger peso increases the value of peso-denominated stocks.
The stronger peso was a big plus for American investors, with an annual return in pesos of 12.6 percent, a gain of 18.1 percent in dollars.
The economic slowdown in the United States and a strong peso accounted for some of the loss.
The peso, strong for so long under the IMF's high real interest rates, has begun to slip, from 25 to the dollar throughout 1992 to 27 now.