The Mets have wasted plenty of strong outings by their starters.
This came after a strong 7-inning outing against the Houston Astros.
That is why the Yankee manager needed a strong outing from Wells last night.
Think hard, Viola could have told the Mets with a strong outing.
These two plays were enough to spoil an otherwise strong outing from the Jets's defensive unit as the team dropped to a 3-1 record.
And the Mets got their first strong outing from the bullpen in weeks.
The offense they were known for in recent years slumped badly and was unable to support strong outings by the pitching staff.
A strong outing by either pitcher could move him ahead of Parker.
And, for the first time in a week, they got a strong outing from a starter.
Tonight, after his third successive strong outing, it looks as if Leiter might also have turned his season around.