I see a much stronger outcry to control the costs of government and to hold taxes at their present level - or maybe even to reduce them.
After a strong public outcry, King George I dismissed Voulgaris.
The Mayor said he wanted to find the "common ground" on an issue that has generated such strong public outcry.
However, strong public outcry forced those plans to be aborted, and in 1985, the old mechanism was returned to its position after being fully restored.
Following a strong public outcry, he was reluctantly restored back to his position.
Officials in his Government say he has not wavered in his support for the economic reforms, however strong the political and public outcries.
However, there was a strong outcry by the opposition that this would weaken the British Empire in a time of need.
The attack provoked a strong outcry, even in the United States, Israel's strongest ally.
Unfortunately, in recent years under President McCormick, the university administration has decided to stop funding this tradition, despite strong outcry from students and alumni.
Led by Washington advocacy groups, the elderly raised an outcry so strong that a year later Congress repealed its own legislation by large margins.