The project called for constructing higher and stronger earthen levees and floodwalls and additional pumping stations.
They envisioned a golden future of better housing, better schools, stronger levees and better health care.
Even if a Category 5 hurricane hits just once a century, money should have (and could have) been spent on stronger levees and more secure pumps.
Will they rebuild the levee strong enough to protect us this time?
Without a strong levee, the people here have been racing to pile sand and sandbags in front of the enroaching river.
Small towns suffered worst of all, mainly because most big cities, the real exception being Des Moines, were protected by unusually strong levees.
They put strong levees above all other priorities, including fighting crime and even basic services like electricity and water.
The company has a third yard, Avondale, in New Orleans, that was protected by strong levees and suffered little damage.
Congress in 1849 passed the Swamp Act providing land grants to build stronger levees.
We are removing debris and repairing highways and rebuilding stronger levees.