An infants' room that smells of either soiled diapers or strong disinfectant may have a larger sanitation problem.
The apartment smelled of the strong disinfectant that Spanish housekeepers like to use.
Rick used a gauze pad soaked in strong disinfectant to clean it.
It tasted of some extremely strong disinfectant which hadn't been formulated as a mouthwash, and was doing things to his tongue.
Clean your toys with soap and water, or a stronger disinfectant if indicated on the cleaning instructions.
Spiked Pepper, often called "matico", appears to have strong disinfectant and antibiotic properties.
As a strong disinfectant, glutaraldehyde is toxic and a strong irritant.
A white coat and a stethoscope round his neck; and a smell of strong disinfectant.
By "out there" he meant the place where the corruption was dumped and sprinkled with strong disinfectant.
She took a deep breath so that she wouldn't forget the ripe stench of human sweat, bitter coffee and strong disinfectant.