It was, however, a strong determinant of women's employment participation and experience.
In the United States race remains an even stronger determinant of friendship than socioeconomic status.
Like socioeconomic status, ethnicity is not a strong determinant of childhood friendships, but becomes increasingly potent with age.
But he added that a person's disposition was the strongest determinant of job satisfaction.
In ballads fate often is a very strong determinant of what happens to people, and doom is their almost certain end.
Thus, the apoptotic process appeared to be a strong determinant of outcome in this model.
They find that a neighborhood effect is the strongest determinant of which countries suffer from contagion.
A strong intrinsic determinant of clutch size is nest type.
The caste that one belongs to serves as a strong determinant of his or her voting pattern.
- Blood type is not the strongest determinant for the various forms of colon cancer.